Old city center route

The Red Light District is really worth a visit during your city trip through Amsterdam. What many people overlook is that the Red Light District is one of the oldest and most beautiful parts of Amsterdam. Despite its shady reputation, you will find historical long winding cobbled streets with quintessential 14th century architecture, such as the Gothic Oude Kerk (Old Church) for instance. During a stroll along the idyllic canals you can relax in the warm atmosphere which hangs over the area every night.
Furthermore, you can go to the countless classic restaurants and cozy cafes. There's gorgeous rows of trees along the canals, beautiful old buildings and nicely renovated facade fronts. Also the arrival of trendy shops have gradually transformed this area into a very beautiful district of Amsterdam. In a nutshell, a visit to Amsterdam is not complete unless you've made a stroll along the famous Red Light District.
Below are three different routes for viewing the best and also free sight seeings on the canals of Amsterdam. Other city centre routes are: Southern canal route and Western canal route.

Old city center route (1275 - 1600)
- Oudezijds Kolk 11, 1617
One of the oldest locks of Amsterdam. Here you can also find one of the oldest warehouses of Amsterdam. - Zeedijk 1; 1550
One of the last two original wooden houses in Amsterdam. - Oudekerksplein 23; 1306
The Oude Kerk (Old Church) is the oldest building in Amsterdam. - Nieuwmarkt 4; 1488
De Waag; it is the oldest non-religious building in Amsterdam. Built in 1488 as part of the city walls. Since then, the building has had many functions: a prison, weighs scale and museum. Right now you can enjoy a lovely lunch or dinner in this building. - Oudezijds voorburgwal 249; 1610
Huis aan de Drie Grachten (House on the Three Canals) has three breathtaking stepped gables (one on each canal). Also located on the oldest canal: Oudezijds Voorburgwal, dating from the year 1385. - Oude Hoogstraat 22;
Narrowest house (2.02 meters wide and 6 meters deep) in Europe. - Kloveniersburgwal 26;
Kleine Trippenhuis (Small Triphouse) is one of the smallest houses (2.4 meters) in Amsterdam. - Kloveniersburgwal 29; 1666
Trippenhuis (Trip house) is the widest house (22 meters) in Amsterdam. - Begijnhof 34; 1425
Houten Huys (Wooden House) at Begijnhof is Amsterdam's oldest house.