Stayokay Hostel Amsterdam Vondelpark

Stayokay Hostel Amsterdam Vondelpark - 1

Stayokay Hostel Amsterdam is located in the heart of the Vondelpark and offers a view on the green surroundings. The Van Gogh Museum is an 8-minute walk away. The accommodation includes free WiFi access throughout the whole building.

[1] - Bed in 10+ Bed Mixed Dormitory Room
Guests share a large dormitory with other guests, male and female. Guests will be staying in bunk beds.

[2] - Quadruple Room
This room accommodates up 4 guests, it is not shared. Guests will be staying in bunk beds.

[3] - Family Room (6 Adults)
This room can be used by groups or family as a private room. Guests will be staying in bunk beds.

[4] - Double Room
This room comes with a bunk bed.

[5] - Comfort Double Room
This room comes with two single box spring beds which are already made up.

[6] - Bed in 8-Bed Dormitory Room
Rooms are 21 square metres.

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For information and reservation

Zandpad 5, Amsterdam
web. More information