Where is the exact location of bench in Amsterdam for the film The Fault in our Stars (2014)?
The 'The Fault in our Stars' bench is located in the street: Leidsegracht. It’s placed where Herengracht and Leidsegracht meet.
Where is the Red Light District location in Amsterdam? Do you have an address of the Red Light District for me?
The Red Light District in Amsterdam is located in the streets: Oudezijds Voorburgwal, Oudezijds Achterburgwal and Warmoesstraat. A map of the area can be found on the following page: https://amsterdam.org/en/red-light-district.php#map
The Red Light District is within walking distance from Dam square and Amsterdam Central Station.
Recently I was told that a museum about Suriname will be opened in 2023. Where is that?
In 2021 it was announced that a Suriname Museum would be realised in Amsterdam at Zeeburgerdijk 19. As far as we know, the opening of the Suriname Museum in Amsterdam is scheduled for 2024.
More information: https://www.facebook.com/surinamemuseum/
Where in Amsterdam can I buy tickets for tram, metro and/or bus?
In Amsterdam and throughout the Netherlands, residents use the National public transport chip card (named: OV-chipkaart) for traveling on trams, buses, metros and trains. It is also possible for visitors to purchase an OV-chipkaart, but we advise not to do that.
We recommend tourists to use one of the above mentioned cards. These are generally easier to buy, and moreover usually cheaper.
Where was the IKEA Vilshult black and white photo with red bicycle taken in Amsterdam?
The IKEA Vilshult picture of Amsterdam was taken in the spring of 1999 by photographer Fernando Bengoechea on Brouwersgracht in the direction of the Herengracht.
IKEA has sold this photo more than 500,000 times worldwide.